Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Tales of a Gimp

Observation #8: 2 feet are better than 1

So I never know how to start a blog post. I always start with "so..." or "the other day" or something rubbish and completely unattention-getting. My High School English teachers would be so disappointed. That is why I started with the first interesting and attention-getting statement that popped into my mind and put it in caps. Its how I got through all those High School essays.
Anyways, to my observation. Thursday I got foot surgery. Many have asked why and I have given them answers like "my foot is just messed up" or "I just really needed it" and hoped that that would be good enough. I was embarrassed by the real reason, but since I feel like I am so close to the few of you who care about the happenings in my life, I will tell you a secret... I have  bunions. No they are not a bread-like substance or a coil of hair at the back of your head. They are bones on this inside of your feet that stick out and make your toes grow the wrong way. You have probably seen them on your grandma. I have had them since the beginning of time and I used to think my feet were just prettier than everyone else's, like they had curves or something. But then the influence of the world got to me and I realized that my feet were messed up and then I realized that they are why I cannot wear heals for more than 5 minutes without wanting to murder someone. Anyways, my left foot is bunion free but my life is social-less since I cannot move. You all probably know that I am not usually Ms. Social Butterfly, but recently I have actually met people in Mesa who aren't Mesa People! (they include boys). Yes, there are boys in Mesa who actually want to hang out with me and don't think I am completely weird! So to fill up my time that was usually spent playing just dance, attempting football or the other random stuff we have been doing lately, I have picked up YouTubing and room-crafting. This is my all time favorite YouTube video that I have watched 20+ times since Thursday:

I have also discovered that chalk looks really cool on my walls and isn't permanent so I won't have a spaz attack when I don't like it in a week. 

This is just in my bedroom and bathroom but it could be cool if you got really creative with it.
Tune in next week to discover my odd findings at Goodwill and my basement and how I've used them to decorate my room.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Observation #7: Its a New Year!

As you can see, college has made me more observant. The year is actually 14 days and 13 hours old. By now everyone is sick of blog posts about their goals for the year and the inspiring year they had.Well, for the 3 people who read my blog, I will just lay out my goals real clear so you can move on with your important lives. I'll even center them and make them bold print so the people who just glance at my blog but don't really care to read this big paragraph will be amazed that I am actually planning ahead. Although I can't really count this as a great step towards being a planner since it is tradition. Its like me feeling generous for giving someone a present at Christmas. I really am just making my odds of people reading this worse the more I explain since I am merely making this paragragh longer and more intimidating. So I'll just get to it. Here they are. My wonderful 2011 goals. In all their glory:

1. Become a Planner
2. Become a more consistent blogger
(and less consistent blog-stalker)
3. Decide upon a major and stick with it
4. No Facebook for 3 months
5. Actually do my job instead of blogging
6. Work on my art
(the long stretches of borringness that
my job offers has provided me time for this)
Just See:

I have been practicing my valentines.
Yes I did use work recourses to scan this in while I was supposed to be scanning bank statements, that is why it looks so unproportional, or I'm just technologically retarded. Moral of the story is that this break from school has made me into a slacker and I am going to buckle down these next three months and kick my butt into shape. Yes kicking my own butt! Watch it happen live on this blog only!