Monday, November 7, 2011

I Have Found the Cure

Observation #22: Charlie Chaplin is the solution against white hair

When I tell people I am in the Interior design program, I am instantly pictured picking out fabric samples and paint swatches all day. Please get this picture out of your mind right now for it is both degrading to the ID program and false. I am constantly doing project, after drafting plans, after project. Lately, these projects have made me a little testy as my roommates will attest.
The bright spot in all of this is that after all the yoga and noodle crafts, I have finally found my perfect therapy; Charlie Chaplin.
Pinned Image
How brilliant he is.

This post is not done.
watch this and then you can move on with your lives:

Fooled ya.
You can't move on now can you?