Tuesday, December 20, 2011

So I Want to Marry a Musician

Observation #23: Everyone needs to know the Kooks in order to live a complete life.

kooks [kooks]
noun Slang .
1. a beautiful English indie rock band formed in Brighten, East Sussex, in 2001. They were created by the quirky and adorable lead singer, Luke Pritchard.
2. an eccentric, strange, or foolish person.

So I was privileged to see these great characters in concert about a month ago, and oh was it great! I have no words for the joy I experienced as I looked up at Luke's bobbing curls singing to me. The greatest thing about this concert is that not many people know of the Kooks (or just love them like I do) so the concert wasn't too crowded. It was almost like Luke and I were the only 2 in the room...
If any of you haven't guessed I am totally turned on have a soft spot for musicians. 
Anyways, if you do not know the Kooks, know them now.